
Operations OM&S, Jetty / Environmental / Horticulture

Tender No : 3800000902
Tender Type : Domestic

Posted Date : 27-11-2024
Closing Date : 30-12-2024

Tenders are invited for the following work:
Name of Work Antifoaming Agent for MBR at ETP
Tender Fee (in INR) -
Tender Fee (in USD) -
Tender Forms Issue-Start Date & Time 27-11-2024 09:00:00
Tender Forms Issue-Closing Date & Time: 30-12-2024 15:00:00
Prebid conference Place / Date / Time: Not Applicable
EMD(in INR) : 237000.00
EMD(in USD) : 0.00
Product Category: Chemicals / Minerals
Tender Category: Goods
Form of Contract: Supply
Tenders - Bid Closing date and time: 30-12-2024 15:00:00
Tender Opening Date & Time: 30-12-2024 15:30:00
Site location: Mangaluru
Job Completion Time: As per tender document
Contact Person from MRPL: Vidyadhara Shetty
Assistant Manager
As per tender document
Contact Person from MRPL: From Antares Systems Limited
Mr Dilip Ranganath
Tel : +91-824-2882248
e mail : eps[at]mrpl[dot]co[dot]in
website : https://www.tenderwizard.com/MRPL

Job Description:
As per tender document

Special Instructions:
As per tender document


As per tender document