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Right to Information Act - Information Manual

(Pursuant to Section 4(1)(b) of the RTI Act 2005), Last updated on 10/05/2024

  1. Particulars of Organization, its functions and Duties
  2. Powers and Duties of Officers & Workmen
  3. Procedures followed in the Decision Making Process, including channels of supervision and accountability
  4. The Norms set for discharge of functions
  5. The Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manuals & Records held by the Company or under its control or used by its employees for discharge of functions
  6. Statement of Categories of Documents that are held by the company or under its control
  7. Particulars of arrangement for consultation with the members of the public in relation to the formulation of policy or implementation thereof
  8. Statement on the Board & Sub Committees of the Board and Other Committees
  9. Directory of Officers and Workmen
  10. Statement of Monthly Remuneration of Officers and Workmen including the System of Compensation
  11. Budget Allocation and Expenditure
  12. Manner of execution of Subsidy Programmes, including the Amounts allocated and the details of beneficiaries of such programmes
  13. Particulars of recipients of Concessions, Permits or Authorisations granted by it
  14. Details of information available or held in electronic form
  15. Particulars of Facilities available to Citizens for obtaining information
  16. Names and Designations and other particulars of Central Public Information Officers and Appellate Authorities
  17. Such other information as may be prescribed





Chapter I: Particulars of Organization, its functions and Duties



Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited [MRPL] is a schedule &39;A&39; Miniratna CPSE in Petroleum sector under the administrative control of Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas. (For MRPL vision and mission statement visit and Mission)

MRPL is registered with Corporate Identification Number (CIN): L23209KA1988GOI008959. The Registered and Corporate Office of the MRPL is at Mudapadav, Post Kuthethoor, Via- Katipalla, Mangalore-575 030, Karnataka. (For more details visit

Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited (MRPL) was incorporated under the Indian Companies Act, 1956 set up in the year 1988 with the objective of forming a joint venture between Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) and Indian Rayon and Industries Ltd. (IRIL) for setting up a Refinery & Petrochemicals project at Mangalore. However, ONGC had acquired shareholding from IRIL and thereby MRPL became a subsidiary of ONGC. (For more details visit 

The subscribed share capital of the Company is Rs. 1752.67 crores. The shares are listed on BSE / NSE and are actively traded. The shareholding of the ONGC in the company is 71.62% equity, HPCL holds 16.96% equity, and balance equity is held by public. (For more details visit

MRPL is located in a beautiful hilly terrain, north of Mangaluru city, in Dakshina Kannada District of Karnataka State (India). The 15 Million Metric Tonne Refinery has got a versatile design with complex secondary processing units and a high flexibility to process Crudes of various API, delivering a variety of quality products. (For more details visit Units)

MRPL produces a variety of products for the local and international market. Customized products for specific customers are also made. (For more details visit

MRPL supplies products to all the three Oil Marketing Companies, viz., Indian Oil Corporation, Hindustan Petroleum Corporation and Bharat Petroleum Corporation. Apart from these, MRPL’s products are transported to Bangalore & Hassan through the Mangalore–Hassan–Bangalore–Pipeline (MHBPL). MRPL is the also largest exporter of ATF, FO & Sulphur in India. (For more details visit Marketing


MRPL is managed by a Board of Directors. The organisation is headed by Chairman (CMD of ONGC) and the CEO of the company is the Managing Director. The Board comprises of Whole time Directors also called Functional Directors – Director (Refinery) and Director (Finance). In addition, part time Directors representing Government of India, through Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, and part time Independent Directors are on the Board. All these Directors are nominated by the Government of India. (For more details visit

The Board of Directors is assisted by Group General Managers, Chief General Managers and other Officers / employees in carrying out the day-to-day functions of the Organisation. Click here to view Organisational Chart.


Objectives of MRPL – Road ahead:

MRPL plans to expand and diversify to meet the growing needs of the nation and will enter into retailing of petroleum products, through its own and through ONGC’s brands.

The road ahead for MRPL brings in Capacity Expansion, Product Variety, Retailing and Diversification, enabling greater value addition and growth. MRPL has been ‘refining with a difference’ and the future will showcase the strength of MRPL’s systems and employees.



List of Managing Directors of MRPL since inception:

Shri R Rajamani 27.04.2006 – 31.08.2008
Shri U K Basu 01.09.2008 – 30.06.2012
Shri P P Upadhya 01.07.2012 – 31.07.2014
Shri H Kumar 07.08.2014 – 31.05.2018
Shri M Venkatesh 01.06.2018 – 31.05.2023
Shri Sanjay Varma 01.06.2023 – 27.02.2024
Shri Mundkur Shyamprasad Kamath 28.02.2024




Chapter II: Powers and Duties of Officers & Workmen



MRPL is a commercial organization and the officers and workmen are appointed to carry out the business operations of the Organisation. While discharging the assigned duties, all employees are required to comply with the applicable provisions of statutes and rules and regulations in force, including the manualised instructions.

The powers and duties of the officers and workmen of the MRPL are derived mainly from the provisions of the Company Act, 2013, and the various manuals specifying the area of operation of individuals, job description, terms and conditions of appointment, and the delegation of powers, delegation of the authorities, material manual as specified. (Confidential documents)



Power and Duties



Chairman and Managing Director of Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) is the Chairman of MRPL


Managing Director

CEO of the company, general superintendence, direction
Management of the affairs of the company
Overall head of the company


Director (Finance)

Overall in-charge of financial affairs of the company, excluding Audit.
Member of the Board


Director (Refinery)

Overall in charge of Operation & Maintenance of the company.
Member of the Board


Executive Director (Refinery)


Operation and Maintenance of the refinery complex at optimum capacity by adhering to the best practices and safety measures to reap the full benefits of the size and complexity of Refinery complex.


Reporting to Director (Refinery)


Executive Director (Projects)


Managing entire life cycle of projects from concept to commissioning. To spear head corporate strategy for long term strategic steps including marketing infrastructure and marketing tie ups. Direct marketing of all products.


Reporting to Managing Director


Group General Manager

Functional head of the Division
Overall supervision of all administrative/ministerial work· Monitoring of the work of the concerned department


Reporting to Respective EDs / Directors


Chief General Manager
(Thirty two)

Independent head of the department.· Supervising and monitoring of the department on holistic basis.


Reporting to Respective GGMs / EDs


Company Secretary

Statutory post, functions as Secretary to the Board of Directors.· Looks after the Board’s affairs.
Ensures compliances with Company Law requirements and supervises and coordinates with SEBI


General Manager
(Ninety Eight)

To assist the respective CGMs/ GGMs.
Functional head of the Section.· Supervises and monitors the respective Section.



MRPL is a commercial organization and the officers and workmen are appointed to carry out the business operations of the organisation, in line with the objectives set forth in the MOU Targets for the Organisation and KRAs set for the individuals. The time limit for achieving the targets is the Financial year.




Chapter III: Procedures followed in the decision making process, including channels of supervision and accountability Decision Making Process:



Overall management of the Company is vested with the Board of Directors of the Company. The Board of Directors is the highest decision making body within the Company.

As per the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 certain matters require the approval of the shareholders of the Company in general meeting. Similarly, in terms of the guidelines of Department of Public Enterprises certain matters require the approval of the holding Company Oil & Natural Gas Corporation limited.

The Board of Directors is accountable to the shareholders of the Company, which is the ultimate authority of a Company. MRPL being a Public Sector Enterprise (PSE), the Board of Directors of the Company is also accountable to Government of India.

The CEO of the company is the Managing Director, who is supported by Functional Directors, Sr. Executives and other Officers and staffs of the Company. The Board of Directors has delegated powers to the M.D / Functional Directors and Committees formed through a Delegation of Powers. The powers, which are not delegated are exercised by the Board of Directors subject to the restrictions and provisions of the Companies Act, 2013.

The channel of supervision and accountability is as per defined organisation structure.


Exercise of Authority:

The Organisation has a well-documented Chart of Accounts, DOP/DOA Manual, Materials Management Manual, etc, facilitating the decision-making process at various levels within the organization.


Delegation of Power and Delegation of Authority Manual:

DOP/DOA Manual, as it is called, lays down the authorities that can be exercised at various levels, i.e. the Board and below Board level, Functional Directors, and also the senior individual positions, etc. for different activities of the Organisation.


Materials Management Manual:

Powers for procurement of material, hiring of facilities, services and award of contracts are as per “Materials Management Manual” and approved C&P Procedure for Projects.


Procurement details, Tenders and Contracts:


Audit Report of RTI Information Manual:

Details of third party audit of voluntary disclosure is available in


Time period for releasing the Payments

  • Payment within 15 days subject to acceptance of material for supplies / certification of bill by EIC for services. Vendor shall submit all required document to ensure timely payment.


Time limit as prescribed under RTI Act

  • For CPIO to reply to application: 30 days from date of receipt of application

  • For CPIO to transfer to another PA under Sec 6(3): 5 days from date of receipt of application

  • For CPIO to issue notice to 3rd Party: 5 days from date of receipt of application

  • For 3rd Party to make a representation to CPIO: 10 days from receipt of notice from PIO

  • For CPIO to reply to application if 3rd Party involved : 40 days from date of receipt of application

  • For applicant to make First Appeal: 30 days from date of receipt of PIO’s reply or from date when reply was to be received

  • For First Appellate Authority to pass an order: 30 days from receipt of First Appeal OR Maximum 45 days, if reasons for delay are given in writing

  • For applicant to make Second Appeal before CIC: 90 days from receipt of First Appeal orders or from the date when orders were to be received


CAG Paras Pertaining to MRPL:

Reports of CAG, pertaining to MRPL ( )




Chapter IV: The norms set for discharge of functions



The entire organizational functioning is basis the down delegation of authority at appropriate levels and measures to the individual officers. Several documented manualised instructions have been developed and approved by the Board of Directors, for the discharge of functions by the officers of the organization. Targets set for the financial year.

Further guidelines issued by the Government of India, through the applicable departments, and Central Vigilance Commission, Central Information Commission from time to time are also followed.

The guidelines issued by Central Vigilance Commission, SEBI, Stock Exchange listing agreements also aid in the discharge of the functions.




Chapter V: The Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manuals and Records held by the Company under its control or used by its employees for discharge of functions



The important Internal Rules, Regulations, Manuals & Records, which are used by the employees of the Company in discharge of their functions are given below:


  • Dealer / Distributor selection guidelines & related selection documents
  • Dealership / Distributorship Agreements
  • Land Lease Agreements
  • Licenses – Factory / Pollution Control Board
  • Delegation of Power and Delegation of Authority
  • Operations Manual for individual operating units
  • Materials Management Manual
  • Purchase Orders / Contracts
  • Fire Manual
  • Safety Manual
  • Trade Marks Registration
  • Various manuals related to employees conduct, compensation & benefits, performance management, etc.




Chapter VI: Statement of Categories of Documents that are held by the Company or under its control



The various documents as detailed in Chapter V are function specific. The usage of certain manuals is restricted by the confidentiality clause and is not open for public scrutiny. The following manuals are restricted and are not open to the public scrutiny. Similar restriction is also applicable on the various contracts entered into by MRPL with their dealers / distributors / land lords in the course of furthering its business.

  • Documents pertaining to Board Meeting & General Meetings (CompanySecretary is the custodian of these documents)
    • Agenda papers of Board meeting
    • Minutes Book of Meetings of the Board of Directors
    • Agenda Papers of Board Sub-committees
    • Minutes Book of meetings of Board Sub-committees
  • Dealership / Distributorship Agreements
  • Dealer / Distributor selection guidelines & related selection documents
  • Land Lease Agreements
  • Delegation of Power and Delegation of Authority
  • Operations Manual for individual operating units
  • Documents containing information pertaining to production and dispatch of products
  • Detailed Techno-Economic Feasibility Reports of projects implemented and under implementation
  • Agreement with Technology Suppliers & Process Licensors
  • Agreement with project Consultants, etc.
  • Shareholders agreement
  • Agreement/MOU for purchase and transportation of Crude oil, etc
  • Materials Management Manual
  • Fire Manual
  • Safety Manual
  • Security related policies, information and manuals.
  • Various manuals related to employees conduct, compensation & benefits, performance management, etc.


Following manuals / contracts may be allowed for public scrutiny under the provisions of the RTI Act 2005, after applying the severability clause.

  • Memorandum and Article of Association
  • Licenses – Industrial/ Factory / Pollution Control Board
  • Trade Marks / Registration
  • Purchase Orders / Contracts
  • Annual Reports
  • Statement of Quarterly Financial Results




Chapter VII: Particulars of arrangement for consultation with the members of the public in relation to the formulation of policy or implementation thereof



MRPL is a commercial organization engaged in refining of crude oil and marketing of finished and allied products. It does not have a formal arrangement or committee in which the public can participate in formulating policies pertaining to areas of activities of MRPL. However, all its policies are formulated in compliance with provisions of applicable statutes and regulations in the country. MRPL however, has interface with various Parliamentary Committees. Additionally, a facility has been provided on the MRPL website ( for addressing public queries.

Furthermore, MRPL has a mechanism in place to collect feedback from customers in order to improve service levels and enhance customer satisfaction. If individuals who have business transactions with the company have complaints or grievances, they can approach the Committee of Directors for redressal.




Chapter VIII : Statement of the Boards, Councils, Committees and other bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advise, and as to whether meeting of those boards, councils, committees and other bodies are open to the public or the minutes of such meetings are accessible for public



MRPL at the apex level is controlled by its Board of Directors. The Board has constituted several sub-committees.

The meetings / records / minutes of the above mentioned bodies are not open to the public. However important decisions taken regarding the organisation and/or its management are communicated to the statutory authorities as also to the public as required under of the applicable laws of the land.

(For more details click List of board committees updated as on 21/03/2024)




Chapter IX: Directory of Officers and Workmen



MRPL has a total of 2548 employees as of 31 March 2024. The break up is as under:

Group Total no. of employees No. of Women employees
Management 1184 70
Non-Management 1364 159
Total 2548 229



Click the link below for Directory of Officers and Employees:


Click the link below for Online Enquiry/ Complaints/ Suggestions/ Feedback:



Email address for Correspondence visit:

  • Email: mrplmlr(at)mrpl[dot]co[dot]in for any General Enquiry suggestions/ feedback complaints
  • Email: investor(at)mrpl[dot]co[dot]in for Investor Grievance Redressel
  • Email: gsthelpdesk(at)mrpl[dot]co[dot]in for GST Help Desk
  • Email: recruit(at)mrpl[dot]co[dot]in for Careers/ Recruitment enquiry
  • Email: salesmang(at)mrpl[dot]co[dot]in for Sales Office
  • Email: pp1(at)mrpl[dot]co[dot]in for Petrochemicals - PolyproPylene
  • Email: registration_itd(at)mrpl[dot]co[dot]in for International Trade Desk enquiry
  • Email: cvo(at)mrpl[dot]co[dot]in for Vigilance Helpline




Chapter X: Statement of monthly remuneration of employees and workmen including system of compensation.



Remuneration to the officers is governed by the directives of the Department of Public Enterprises. The workmen compensation is through negotiations with the recognized unions. The monthly pay structure for officers and workmen, indicating the minimum and maximum of the pay scales are as under:

Pay-scale of Management grade – Officers


Designation Pay scale (Rs.) w.e.f. 01/01/2017
I Executive Director 150000-300000
H2 Group General Manager 120000-280000
H Chief General Manager 120000-280000
G General Manager 120000-280000
F Dy. General Manager 120000-280000
E Chief Manager 100000-260000
D Senior Manager 90000-240000
C Manager 80000-220000
B Assistant Manager 70000-200000
A Executive / Engineer 60000-180000
E2 Assistant Executive / Assistant Engineer 50000-160000

Pay-scale of Non-Management grade employees


Designation  Pay scale (Rs.) w.e.f. 01/01/2017
S1 to S4 Supervisory Grade 37000 - 139800
JM1/TS1 Sr. Officer/ Officer A 35000 - 116100
JM2/TS2 Officer/ Officer B 32000 - 107400
JM3/TS3 Junior Officer/ Assistant Officer 29000 - 100200
JM4/TS4 Senior Assistant/ Technical Assistant A/ Chemist/ Fireman A 26500 - 93000
JM5/TS5 Assistant/ Technical Assistant B/ Junior Chemist/ Fireman B 25000 - 86400
JM6/TS6 Junior Assistant/ Technical Assistant C/ Lab Assistant/ Fireman C

23000 - 76200





Chapter XI: Budget Allocation and expenditure:



Expenditure Budgets (Revenue and Capital) are approved by Board. Budgeted Estimates, Revised Estimates and Actual Capital Expenditures are as follows:


Capital Expenditure for Financial Year 2023-24 (New + Ongoing Projects)
Particulars Rs. In Crores
a) Refining 1,560.66
b) Marketing 38.86
TOTAL 1,599.52
Following details with respect to Budgeted and Revised Capex Budget of MRPL
a) Budget Estimate 1,696.53
b) Revised Estimate 1,847.23
c) Actuals 1,599.52


Capital Expenditure for Financial Year 2022-23 (Rs. in Crore)
  (New +Ongoing Projects)
a) Refining 588.37
b) Marketing 36.82
TOTAL 625.19
Following details with respect to Budgeted and Revised Capex Budget of MRPL
a) Budget Estimate 955.75
b) Revised Estimate 769.53
c) Actuals 625.19


Capital Expenditure for Financial Year 2021-22 (Rs. in Crore)
  (New +Ongoing Projects)
a) Refining 660.79
b) Marketing 13.46
TOTAL 674.25
Following details with respect to Budgeted and Revised Capex Budget of MRPL
a) Budget Estimate 1650.00
b) Revised Estimate 966.00
c) Actuals 674.24



Year Expenditure (Rs/Crores)
2011-12 3915.42
2012-13 2111.55
2013-14 1448.74
2014-15 2747.36
2015-16 1550.13
2016-17 616.40
2017-18 1281.76
2018-19 1072.32
2019-20 1317.92
2020-21 982.34
2021-22 674.25
2022-23 625.19
2023-24 1,599.52

The details of income and expenditure (link to




Chapter XII : Manner of execution of subsidy programmes, including the amounts allocated and the details of beneficiaries of such programmes:



Subsidy programme, details of beneficiaries of such programme and particulars of the recipients of concessions and permits.

As per pricing principle enforced/ laid out by the government, from time to time, MRPL sells certain products to its customers, at a price, lesser than the cost. The loss incurred by MRPL in these circumstances is being mitigated by subsidy given by the Government of India under various subsidy schemes formulated by them.




Chapter XIII : Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits or authorisations granted by it:



Not applicable




Chapter XIV: Details in respect of information available or held by in electronic form :



The following information, which have been reduced to electronic form are available at


List of materials available at free of cost


List of materials available at a reasonable cost of the medium

  • In case of copy of documents needs to be provided, the Requester shall be informed of the additional fees, if any, (as per Section 7(3) of RTI Act, 2005) required to be deposited by information seeker for the information sought and information shall be furnished after the receipt of the fee. The applicable rates are as follows:
    1. Rs 2/- for each one sided page (A4 or A3 Size paper) created or copied
    2. Actual charge or cost price of a copy in larger size paper
    3. Actual cost or price for samples or Modes; and
    4. For inspection of records, no fees for the first hour; and a fees of Rs.5/- for each subsequent hour ( or fraction thereof) prepaid
    5. Disc or Floppy: Rs 50/- per disc or floppy
    6. Pen drive: Actual cost
    7. For information to be provided in the printed form at the price fixed for such publication or Rs 2/- per page of photocopy for extract from the publication




Chapter XV : Particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information including the working hours of a library or reading room, it maintained for public use



  1. Educational programmes: Awareness training programme on RTI is conducted for every employee during Induction training on joining.
  2. MRPL does not maintain any library / reading room for the use of public. However, Information regarding MRPL and the business units is available to the public on this website ie. @
  3. CPIO, APIOs and other Officers handing RTI are sent on trainings periodically to update their knowledge about RTI act and its implementation.
    1. CPIO/GM (Security) and Executive (Security) have participated in a two day E-training programme on RTI conducted by National Productivity Council, Jaipur on 19 & 20 July 2021.
    2. FAA/CGM (Legal) has participated in 15th Annual Convention of CIC in New Delhi on 9th November 2022.
    3. APIO/Sr.Manager (Admin-Delhi), Executive (Security) and Asst. Executive (Law) have participated in a two day training programme by Institute of Good Governance at New Delhi on 20 & 21 Jan. 2023.
    4. CPIO/GM (Security) has participated in a three day Training programme on RTI Act conducted by India Institute of Secretariat Training & Development at Goa from 08.06.2023 to 10.06.2023.
  4. Published & updated guidelines on RTI in FAQ under RTI Information manual.
    Any one, who desires to obtain any more information / guidance on filing of RTI etc., may contact:
    Shri I V Muralidharan,
    CPIO & GM (Security)
    MRPL, P O Kuthethoor
    Tel: 0824- 2882194
    Email: ivm(at)mrpl[dot]co[dot]in



Frequently Asked Questions – RTI:



Q1) How I can seek information under RTI Act?
Any citizen of India, who desires to obtain any information under the Right to Information Act, 2005 from this Public Authority shall make a request in writing or through electronic means ( in English, Hindi or Kannada, Accompanying the prescribed application fee of Rs.10/- to The Central Public Information Officer, MRPL, P O Kuthethoor, Mangalore-575030 giving following details:

    1. Name
    2. Complete Postal address with telephone number (Email if any)
    3. Proof of Payment (BPL certificate in case of wavier of fees)
    4. Information sought (Please Specify)
    5. Date of Submission
    6. Signature of Applicant


Q2) Is there any form for applying under RTI?
As such MRPL does not prescribe any form for seeking information under RTI Act. One can simply write a request along with the fee and information required.

Q3) What is the mode of payment for seeking information under RTI?
In case of online application, the fee shall be paid in RTI online @ In case of hard copy the fee may be paid in following modes to MRPL:

  1. Demand Draft
  2. Banker Cheque
  3. Pay order
  4. Indian Postal Order (IPO)
    1. Drawn in favour of Mangalore Refinery & Petrochemicals Ltd, payable at Mangalore.
    2. Payment in no other Mode shall be accepted


Q4) What if I want photocopy of the documents/information available with the MRPL?
In case of copy of documents needs to be provided, the Requester shall be informed of the additional fees, if any, (as per Section 7(3) of RTI Act, 2005) required to be deposited by information seeker for the information sought and information shall be furnished after the receipt of the fee. The applicable rates are as follows:

  1. Rs 2/- for each one sided page (A4 or A3 Size paper) created or copied
  2. Actual charge or cost price of a copy in larger size paper
  3. Actual cost or price for samples or Modes; and
  4. For inspection of records, no fees for the first hour; and a fees of Rs.5/- for each subsequent hour ( or fraction thereof) prepaid
  5. Disc or Floppy: Rs 50/- per disc or floppy
  6. Pen drive: Actual cost
  7. For information to be provided in the printed form at the price fixed for such publication or Rs 2/- per page of photocopy for extract from the publication


Q5) What if I do not get a reply?

  1. Normally information is sent within a period of 30 days from the receipt of the RTI application in MRPL. However If you do not get a reply you can submit first appeal to the First Appellate Authority, MRPL, Bangalore - 560010.
  2. In case you do not get the reply of the first appeal you may submit second appeal to the Central Information Commission, CIC Bhawan, Baba Gangnath Marg, Munirka, New Delhi -110067.

Link to the other FAQs from the website of Central Information Commission. (Visit


Q6) What are the working hours of the facility?
MRPL Office working hours is from 9:00 am to 5:15 pm. Any person who would like to visit MRPL Mangalore Office shall take prior appointment from the concerned Official and register himself through the link for visitor pass.


Q7) What is the Public Grievance Redressal mechanism in MRPL?

    1. 1. In case of any grievance pertaining to MRPL, the public may contact the following designated Public Grievance Redressal Officer in person:

      Shri Girish Kumar
      MRPL, P O Kuthethoor
      Tel: 0824- 2882180
      Email: girish_kumar(at)mrpl[dot]co[dot]in


    1. MRPL has provided a link to the Centralised Public Grievances Redress & Monitoring System (CPGRAMS), a web-enabled Grievance Redressal System of the Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievance (DARPG) to enable Public to submit their Grievance on the Portal. Grievances submitted on the CPGRAMS portal is forwarded by Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas (MOP&NG) to the Nodal officer for Public Grievances in MRPL for redressal.
    2. Submit your Grievance on the CPGRAMS portal (link to
    3. Public may submit their grievance online on CPGRAMS portal by clicking on the link above and providing the requisite details.
    4. Please Note:
      1. Citizens can check the progress and receive reply through the CPGRAMS portal.
      2. Time limit for disposal of public grievances is normally within 30 days
      3. Provide a clear statement of grievances and nature of remedial action sought.
      4. Indicate the past references and the official channels previously approached for redressal.




Chapter XVI: Names and Designations and other particulars of Central Public Information Officers and Appellate Authorities



In terms of the provisions of section 5 (1) and (2) and section 19(1) of the Right to Information Act, 2005, the Company has designated the following officers as Central Assistant Public Information Officers, Central Public Information Officer and First Appellate Authority, Nodal officer , Transparency officer respectively:-


NAME DESIGNATION Took charge w.e.f
Shri I V Muralidharan
GM (Security) 
MRPL, P O Kuthethoor
0824- 2882194
Centralized at Mangalore


Shri A L Rafeeq Moideen

First Appellate Authority
MRPL, Bengaluru Office
Opp KSSIDC A O Building,
Rajajinagar, Bengaluru-560010
080- 22642220
Shri Praful Mohan,
Transparency officer
MRPL, P O Kuthethoor
0824- 2883290
Shri S.J.Cutinho Prabhu
Nodal Officer
MRPL, P O Kuthethoor
0824- 2882103
Shri A K Mishra
Sr.Manager(Admin) Delhi
MRPL, Core 8, 7th Floor
Scope Complex, Lodhi Road
New Delhi-110003
011- 24306442
Shri Venkatakrishna
GM (Marketting Projects)
MRPL, Bengaluru Office
Opp KSSIDC A O Building,
Rajajinagar, Bengaluru-560010
080- 22642205



Earlier : Appellate Authority (AA)/Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) (w.e.f. 1.1.15)

NAME DESIGNATION Took charge w.e.f
Shri Patrick Rajesh Minz
MRPL, Mangalore-575030
From 06/07/2013
To  05/08/2019
Ms Lekshmi M Kumaran
GGM (Marketing Co.&Branding)
First Appellate Authority
MRPL, Mangalore-575030
From 24/03/2017
To  05/08/2019
Shri B Sandeep Naik First Appellate Authority
MRPL, Mangalore- 575030
Before 23/03/2017

The Committees for (1) Consultancy committee of key stake holders for advice on suo-motu disclosure and (2) Committee of PIOs/FAAs with rich experience in RTI to identify frequently sought information under RTI has been reconstituted on 09.06.2023 with following members:


  • Consultancy committee of key stake holder for Advice on Suo-motu disclosure under RTI Act



      1. Shri Sandesh J Cutinho Prabhu, CGM (HR) - Chairman
      2. Shri Navinchandra Pai, GM (HR) - Member
      3. Shri I V Muralidharan, GM (Security) and CPIO - Member
      4. Shri Praful Mohan, DGM (Legal) - Member



  • Committee of PIOs/FAAs with rich experience in RTI to identify frequently sought information under RTI Act



    1. Shri Al Rafeeq Moideen, CGM (Legal) - Chairman
    2. Shri I V Muralidharan, GM (Security) - Member
    3. Shri Patrick Rajesh Minz, GM (HR-Delhi) - Member
    4. Shri Praful Mohan, DGM (Legal) - Member


Refer Office Order dtd. 09.06.2023


  • Details of Third-party audit of voluntary disclosure of MRPL:
    1. RTI Audit Summary Report of MRPL
    2. RTI Audit report of MRPL






  1. Collaborations:
  2. The Public Grievance redressal mechanism is through CPGRAMS (link to
  3. The list of schemes / projects/ programme underway (link to )
  4. Corporate Social Responsibility (link
  5. Tenders (link to ) 
  6. E-Tenders (link to
  7. Details of orders placed published are published in MRPL website (link to
  8. MRPL Annual reports are published in MRPL website  (link
  9. FAQ on RTI (link to #faq)
  10. Status of RTI Applications and First Appeal Requests: (link to Applications
  11. RTI Annual Report (link to Annual Reports
  12. RTI Online Portal (link to
  13. RTI Act (link to )
  14. HR Policies (link to
  15. Disciplinary cases (link to Cases



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