
Mechanical Maintenance

Tender No : 3800000884
Tender Type : E-Domestic

Posted Date : 23-09-2024
Closing Date : 14-10-2024

Tenders are invited for the following work:
Name of Work ARC for Supply of PVC Film fills
Tender Fee (in INR) -
Tender Fee (in USD) -
Tender Forms Issue-Start Date & Time 23-09-2024 18:00
Tender Forms Issue-Closing Date & Time: 28-10-2024 15:00:00
Prebid conference Place / Date / Time: NA
EMD(in INR) : 205000.00
EMD(in USD) : 0.00
Product Category: Miscellaneous
Tender Category: Services
Form of Contract: Supply
Tenders - Bid Closing date and time: 14-10-2024 15:00:00
Tender Opening Date & Time: 28-10-2024 15:30:00
Site location: Mangaluru
Job Completion Time: As per Tender
Contact Person from MRPL: shailendra kumar tiwari
Assistant Manager
As per Tender
Contact Person from MRPL: From Antares Systems Limited
Mr Dilip Ranganath
Tel : +91-824-2882248
e mail : eps[at]mrpl[dot]co[dot]in
website : https://www.tenderwizard.com/MRPL

Job Description:
ARC for Supply of PVC Film fills

Special Instructions:
As per Tender


Pre-Qualification Criteria (PQC)

  1. Pre-Qualification Criteria


  1. The bidder shall be a Manufacturer or the authorized agent (authorized dealer or channel partner of the manufacturer-a documentary proof should be submitted) of the Indented item, i.e. PVC Fills for cooling tower. If the bidder is not a manufacturer, he shall submit valid authorization certificate duly issued by the Manufacturer which should also contain undertaking of the manufacturer to provide necessary warranty cover as per bid requirements.


  1. Past Experience:-

The bidder should have supplied at least one order of value not less than Rs. 61.50 Lakhs for supply of PVC fills for cooling tower to any Hydrocarbon sectors like Refineries or Petrochemicals or Oil & Gas Plants or Power plants or Utility Plants in the previous 5 years period ending last day of the month previous to the one in which tender is invited.

(Multiple delivery instructions against single ARC shall be considered as single order.)


Relaxation for MSE & Startup’s Bidders:

  1. MSE: In line with the Government policy, qualified Micro and Small Scale Enterprises (MSEs) will be given relaxation up to 15% on past experience.

  2. STARTUP’S: Relaxation in prior experience or prior turnover for Startup bidders for this tender shall be applicable as per GoI guidelines.


  1. Other Criteria:


  1. The bidder should not be under black-list or holiday list of MRPL or Ministry of petroleum & Natural gas (MoPNG) or not debarred by orders issued by DoE during the period in which tender is invited. The Bidder should submit an undertaking to this effect along with the technical bid.”



  1. The Bidder shall submit Copy of Purchase order along with any one of the following proof of execution as applicable for PQC Sl. No: 2

  • Copy of Invoice

  • Lorry Receipt Copy (LR Copy)

  • Third party Inspection certificate release notes

  1. All documents furnished by bidder in support or meeting the experience criteria of PQC shall be either duly certified by Statutory Auditors of the bidder or a practicing Chartered Accountant (not being an employee or director or not having any interest in the bidder(s) company or firm) where audited accounts are not mandatory as per law “or” Duly notarized by any Notary Public.


  1. PQC Value is exclusive of taxes.


  1. All the Financial documents or Reports or Certificates issued or certified by (Chartered Accountants (CAs) must have Unique Document Identification Number (UDIN).


  1. MRPL reserves the right to complete the evaluation based on the details furnished without seeking any additional information.


  1. In cases where the manufacturer has submitted the bid, the bids of its authorized dealer or channel partner will not be considered and EMD will be returned


  1. Bid Evaluation Criteria


  1. The bidder should comply with all the technical specifications and scope given in the tender.

  2. The bidder should quote for all items and offer for partial items will not be considered for techno-commercial evaluation and confirmation to this effect to be given in the technical bid.

  3. The bidder shall agree to supply the materials complying inspection requirement from TPI agencies like M/s. TUV or Lloyd’s Register or BV or DNV or IRS or SGS or EIL only as per technical specification.


  1. The techno commercially acceptable bids will be evaluated on overall L-1 basis e.; lowest landed cost to MRPL.


  • Rejection Criteria

 The bids are liable for rejection in following cases:

  1. Bids received after the due date and time of bid submission shall be summarily rejected.


  1. Bids without EMD: Bids received without EMD or with Insufficient EMD as on the bid closing date and time shall be summarily rejected. However, Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) registered with NSIC or Udyam or any other body specified by Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MoMSME) or Start-up companies recognized by DIPP or PSUs. Such bidder needs to submit relevant and valid documents along with technical bid of tender.


  1. Offer sent without having the prescribed bidding document of MRPL, non-adherence to technical or commercial terms & conditions, Unpriced bid and Price bid not in the prescribed format, incomplete bids and bids with deviations to the tendered scope of work shall be liable for rejection.


  1. Non-compliance to any of PQC or BEC will be liable for rejection.


  1. Bidder’s failure to enter into Integrity Pact as applicable for the Tender along with the bid duly signed shall be liable for rejection


  1. If technical bid & price bid are submitted together.


  1. Bids found to have been submitted with falsified or incorrect information.


  1. If Bidder is under Holiday or blacklist of MRPL or MoPNG or not debarred by orders issued by DoE. Bidder shall give a self-declaration to this effect.


  1. Consortium Bids shall not be accepted.


  1. For Domestic Tenders: Offer submitted in any currency other than INR shall be rejected.


  1. Offers not meeting statutory requirement are liable for rejection.


  1. The bidder from a country which shares the land border with India will be eligible to bid in this tender only if the bidder is registered with the Competent Authority (i.e Registration Committee constituted by Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT)). The bidder should submit an undertaking to this effect along with the technical bid.