

Tender No : 3600002072
Tender Type : E-Domestic

Posted Date : 17-07-2024
Closing Date : 07-08-2024

Tenders are invited for the following work:
Name of Work Annual Rate Contract for Expansion OR addition of New Facility in existing Retail Outlets and Consumer Depots.
Tender Fee (in INR) -
Tender Fee (in USD) -
Tender Forms Issue-Start Date & Time 18-07-2024 09:00:00
Tender Forms Issue-Closing Date & Time: 07-08-2024 15:00:00
Prebid conference Place / Date / Time: NOT APPLICABLE
EMD(in INR) : 238500.00
EMD(in USD) : 0.00
Product Category: Miscellaneous
Tender Category: Services
Form of Contract: Lump - Sum
Tenders - Bid Closing date and time: 07-08-2024 15:00:00
Tender Opening Date & Time: 07-08-2024 15:30:00
Site location: Bengaluru
Job Completion Time: AS PER TENDER
Contact Person from MRPL: Sudhakar alva
Materials Dept, MRPL, MANGALORE 575 030
Contact Person from MRPL: From Antares Systems Limited
Mr Dilip Ranganath
Tel : +91 824-2882248
e mail : eps[at]mrpl[Dot]co[Dot]in
website : https://www.tenderwizard.com/MRPL

Job Description:

Special Instructions:
BCD 07.08.2024



  1. योग्यतापूर्व मानदंड / Pre-Qualification Criteria:


  1. Financial Turnover:





Zone - I


Zone -  II


For Both

Zones (I & II)


The Average Annual Financial turnover of the bidder during the last 3 years ending 31st March of the previous Financial year should be at least

Rs. 23.00 Lakhs

Rs 12.00 Lakhs

Rs 35.50 Lakhs


Bidder’s Net worth as per their latest Audited Financial statement shall be positive.




  1. Past Experience:


The Bidder should have experience of having successfully carried out and completed similar work during the last 7 years ending last day of the month previous to the one in which tenders are invited, which experience should be any one of the following:




Zone - I


Zone -  II


For Both

Zones (I & II)


Three similar completed works, each costing not less than

Rs. 23.00 Lakhs

Rs. 12.00 Lakhs


Rs 35.50 Lakhs


Two similar completed works, each costing not less than

Rs. 31.00 Lakhs

Rs. 16.50 Lakhs


Rs 47.50 Lakhs


One similar completed works, costing not less than

Rs. 39.00 Lakhs

Rs. 20.50 Lakhs


Rs 59.50 Lakhs




  1. “Similar work” is defined as relevant experience of having successfully carried out and completed Maintenance/ Revamping/ construction works of Petroleum Retail Outlets/ Petroleum Consumer outlets/ Petroleum oil depots/ Petroleum Terminals /Gas Stations.


  1. All above indicated amounts are exclusive of Service Tax / GST.




  1. Relaxation to MSE/ Start-up bidder:

  2. MSE: Pre-qualification criteria with respect to Prior Turnover and Prior experience may be relaxed for Micro & Small Enterprises (to the extent of 15%) as per GOI guidelines subject to meeting of quality and technical specifications.

(For example, if PQC value applicable to other than MSE bidders is Rs. 100/-, the same shall be Rs. 85/- for MSE bidders).

  1. Start Up: Relaxation in Prior Turnover and Prior Experience Criteria for Start Up is applicable.




  • Other Criteria:


  1. Bidders who have been issued and executed orders for similar works in MRPL during the last 3 years shall provide satisfactory Performance Certificate from MRPL, else a declaration shall be given by the bidder that they have not executed such work orders in MRPL in the said period.


  1. Bidder has to quote for all items as per price bid and this is to be confirmed in the format provided along with the technical bid.


  1. The bidder should not be under a black-list/ holiday list MRPL/Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas (MoPNG) orshould not have been debarred by orders issued by DoE during the tender period . Bidder shall give a declaration to this effect.


  1. Joint venture / Consortium bids not be permitted for this tender.


Note: Bidder is required to provide the following documentary proof in support of meeting Pre-Qualification Criteria along with their technical bid:


  1. Annual reports containing Audited balance sheets and Profit & Loss statement, in support of their fulfilling the qualification criteria. (In case the last Financial closing date is within 9 months of bid due date and audited annual report of immediate preceding Financial year is not available, bidder has the option to submit the Financial details of the three previous years immediately prior to the last Financial year. Otherwise, it is compulsory to submit the Financial details of the immediate three preceding Financial years)


  1. Bidder shall furnish documentary evidence covering similar work mentioned above, but not be limited to :

    1. Copies of work orders with relevant pages of contract and SOR,

    2. Proof of Completion / completion certificate indicating value of work completed against above order in support of their fulfilling the qualification criteria.

  • Name of the organization for the job reference for PQC compliance was performed along with the person’s name, designation, e-mail ID and Phone number.


Note: Work order completion certificate furnishing the value as per PQC to be submitted i.e., if the contract is extended, it should be continuous & total value of the extended contract shall be considered for PQC. However, completion certificate should clearly mention the total completed value to meet as per PQC.


  1. Other relevant documentary evidence for all the above mentioned criteria.

(As applicable for the tender)


  1. All documents furnished by bidder in support of meeting the experience criteria of PQC shall be:


“Duly certified by Statutory Auditors of the Bidder or a practicing Chartered Accountant (not being an employee or a director or not having any interest in the bidder(s) company/firm) where audited accounts are not mandatory as per law.




“Duly notarized by any Notary Public in the bidders country.


  1. MRPL reserves the right to complete the evaluation based on the details furnished without seeking any additional information.


  1. All the Financial Documents /Reports certified by Chartered Accountant (CA’s) must have Unique Documents Identification Number (UDIN).



  1. Rejection Criteria:


  1. Bids received after the due date and time of bid submission shall be summarily rejected.


  1. Bids without EMD: Bids received without/ with insufficient EMD (in original with the Technical Bid), before the bid closing date & time shall be summarily rejected. However, Govt. Dept. /PSUs/ firms registered with NSIC/MSE (Micro & Small Enterprise), vendors registered with District Industries Center (DIC), Startups are exempted from submission of EMD. Such bidders shall submit relevant documentary proof towards exemption, along with technical bid of the tender. "All terms and conditions with regard to submission of EMD / Bid security declaration including the categories of Sellers exempted from furnishing the EMD shall be as per General terms and Conditions available on GEM Portal."


  1. Offer sent without having the prescribed bidding document of MRPL, non-adherence to technical / commercial terms & conditions, Unpriced bid and Price bid not in the prescribed format, incomplete bids and bids with deviations to the tendered scope of work shall be liable for rejection.


  1. Non-compliance to any of PQC/BEC will be liable for rejection.


  1. Bidders failure to enter into Integrity Pact as applicable for the Tender along with the bid duly signed shall be liable for rejection.


  1. If technical bid & price bid are submitted together.


  1. Bids found to have been submitted with falsified/ incorrect information.


  1. Offer is liable for rejection If Bidder is in the Holiday/Blacklist of MRPL/Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas (MoPNG)/ debarred by orders issued by DoE during the tender period. Bidder shall give a self-declaration to this effect.


  1. Consortium / Joint bids shall not be accepted.


  1. Bidder to quote for all items enlisted in BOQ, otherwise offer shall be rejected.


  1. Offers not meeting statutory requirement are liable for rejection.



  • बोली मूल्यांकन मानदंड /Bid Evaluation Criteria (बीईसी / BEC):



  • The bidder should accept in Toto the Technical specification and Scope of work given in the Tender with no deviation as per clauses of the tender document.


2)   Bidder can quote for any one or more Zones as per their option, provided bidders quoting for

      more than one area need to meet the total value of PQC for the areas they are quoting. Each

      area,  i.e. Zone -I and Zone -II will be awarded to 2 different bidders on L1 basis to techno-

      commercially qualified bidders. Award of contract will be considered in the order of Zone – I

      and Zone – II.


 3)   Techno-Commercially acceptable bids will be evaluated on the basis of L-1 i.e., lowest landed

       cost to MRPL for each Area separately, as per Sr. no. 04 to 07 of BEC given below.


  • Evaluation for award of contract will be taken in the order of Zone - I and Zone - II

       respectively on zone wise L-1 basis.


  5)    In the event of one bidder becomes L-1 in more than one zone,  Zone I will be awarded to

         Such bidder and the remaining zone will be considered for award to the next eligible

         bidder(s) At L-1 prices on least cost to MRPL. In case other bidder(s) not accepting the L-1

         rate, MRPL reserve the right to consider award of contract for more than one zone to the

         same bidder, provided the bidder meets the PQC for both areas.


  • In the event of one bidder becomes L-1 in more than one area, and he is not meeting the PQC for combined both area, MRPL reserve the right to award the orders on least cost to MRPL basis.


  • In case of a tie in same rate being quoted by more than one party, then the bidder with higher turnover (3 years Average Annual turnover total as per PQC#1) will be considered as           highest ranking tenderer. Accordingly Purchase preference for MSE’s Bidders will be           considered based on turnover.




  1. Security Deposit: Security deposit shall be 3% of annual contract value.


  1. Since it is a works contract, Purchase preference to MSE bidders is not applicable