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As per the directive of MoPNG, Oil & Gas sector CPSEs are required to observe Swachh Bharat Pakhwada from 16-6-2016 to 30-6-2016. As a part of this program, on 16-6-2016 at 11.15 am, Employees and Contract Employees of MRPL assembled in large numbers in Training Centre to take Swachhata Pledge.


Ms Smitha P from HR Dept administered the pledge in Kannada, Mr Lalit Singh Rajpurohit, Officer – OL administered the pledge in Hindi and Mr Anup P, Executive – Finance administered the pledge in English.

Shri AK Sahoo, Director Finance, spoke on the occasion and said that the cleanliness starts from oneself and one feels good when the area around him is neat and clean. He suggested that instead of pointing fingers at others, one should start keeping his/her own house, office and the surroundings clean.

Shri M Venkatesh, Director Refinery, explained how MRPL is contributing to the environment by receiving sewage treated water from the City, and using it in the refinery. He highlighted the steps taken by MRPL towards the Green Belt and conservation of nature. He also encouraged the audience to observe swachhata around us.

Shri Y Ravindranath, CVO said that cleanliness begins from us by keeping our surroundings clean. He appealed to everyone to follow the pledge in true spirit and contribute towards Swachh Bharat.

Later, Shri Kannan D, Manager – CC and Shri B Prashanth Baliga, DGM – CC conducted a quiz on the Swachh Bharat campaign for Employees and Contract Employees respectively and prizes were distributed to those who gave the right answers.

The activities planned for the fortnight were announced and the employees and their dependents were requested to actively participate in the Swachhata campaign, especially on Sunday, 19th June 2016 at 0700 hrs for the cleaning activities planned near Ganeshpura Circle at Kaikamba.

















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