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OGCF Fortnight was inaugurated on 16-1-2016 in Training Centre by Sri H Kumar, our Managing Director in the presence of Sri M Venkatesh, Director Refinery and other Senior Management Personnel. Sri Vinaya Kumar, GGM (TS & BD) welcomed the gathering. The program began with lighting of lamp and then the Gas Conservation Pledge was administered. The Pledge was administered in Kannada by Sri K Koppalkar, GGM (Maint& IS), Sri VL Krishnamurthy GGM (Operation – ph3 & Aromatics) in Hindi, and Smt Vanita Kumar, GGM (OMS sales & Marketing operations) in English.



The activities planned for OGCF 2016, including MRPL’s plan on ‘special drive to turn a village smoke free’, which is a new initiative as advised by the Ministry, were briefed by Sri Nanda Kumar, DGM (TS). Sri K D Shenoy, GGM (Operations – Ph1, 2 &3) read out the message from Minister for P&NG and Sri Sushil Chandra GGM (CS & Projects) read out the message from the Secretary to MoP&NG. Sri M Venaktesh, Director Refinery briefed about the history & importance of Oil & Gas conservation. Sri H Kumar, our MD said that the oil & gas conservation is most important at all levels of crude prices, due to its major effect on refinery margin. MD further suggested to widen the area of ‘smoke free drive’ initiative. Sri Shyam Prasad Kamath, GM (Process) proposed a Vote of Thanks. Mr. Praveen, Sr. Process Engineer compered the program.

Pledge taking ceremony was held on 16th January 2016 in our Bangaluru office, all our Depots and Retail Outlets.



      The various activities carried out during the fortnight are enumerated below.
    • Banners with messages were displayed at various locations of the refinery, Township, Depots & Retail Outlets. Banners were displayed near Bala Panchayat too.


    • Furnace survey was carried out from 18th to 22nd January 2016. External Auditors were Ms Mamoni Basumatary, STSM, IOC-Guwahati, Mr Sarvajith Kumar, DMPS, IOCL-Barouni & Mr M Nagaraju, DMPS, IOC- Gujarat. Mr Sudheer Pai, Chief Manager, MRPL coordinated the Survey. The Field survey was carried out covering all the furnaces which are operational. The data will be analysed from CHT and will be considered for the award.


    • MRPL participated in the similar survey carried out in other 3 refineries. Sri Satynarayana A , DGM (OMS), Sri Sandesh S Cutino, Chief Refinery shift Manager and Sri Ameet Ganu S, Sr. Manager (Process) participated in the furnace survey at IOCL-Panipath, IOCL- Gujarat & HMEL – Bhatinda refinery respectively during the fortnight.
    • Workshops were held at Kadri & Oval Retail Outlets under the guidance & supervision of PCRA. In these workshops the necessary measures to be under taken during driving for the efficient use of fuel and conservation of petroleum products were emphasised on drivers, mechanics and Workshop Owners.


    • Encon quiz was conducted on 25-1-2016. This time the quiz competition was held simultaneously at 3 locations, namely at Training Center, Netravthi building & Ph3 Annex Building. Around 50 people participated in the Quiz competition.


    • Training program on Steam Engineering was carried out on 27th & 28th January 16. A total 40 Employees attended the program.
    • A seminar was conducted on “Steam conservation for Energy Optimization” on 29th January 2016.


  • The Major Highlight of the Fortnight was ‘Smoke free Campaign’ at Bala Panchayat. As per Ministry’s advise we had to adopt minimum of one village to make it smoke free. MRPL chose two villages namely Bala & Kalavar village, both under Bala Grama Panchyat. We could identify total of 59 families who are below the poverty line (BPL) with the help of Bala Panchayat. In order to make the villages smoke free, it has been decided to give LPG connections to these 59 families. Out of which 9 connections will be sponsored by Bala Panchyath and the remaining 50 by MRPL. HPCL has agreed to provide these connections without any ‘Waiting Period’ and on deposit - free basis. MRPL has to bear the expenses of Stove & Accessories and the cost of one filling. It was planned to hand over the connections during the Fortnight, but had to be postponed due to the existing Code of Conduct because of the prevailing Zila & Taluk Panchayat Elections.


Valedictory Ceremony was held on 1.2.2016 in Training Centre. The program was presided over by Sri H Kumar, Managing Director. Sri M Venkatesh, Director Refinery, Sri A K Sahoo, Director Finance (who took over the charge the same day), Sri Y Ravindranath, Chief Vigilance Officer, Senior Management Personnel and other employees participated in the programme. Sri Vinaya Kumar, GGM (TS & BD) welcomed the gathering. The activities carried out during OGCF 2016 were briefed by Sri Nanda Kumar, DGM (TS). Sri A Satynarayana & Sri Ameet Ganu shared their experiences of visiting IOCL- Panipath & HMEL – Bhatinda refinery. Our CVO, Director Finance and Director Refinery spoke on the occasion and communicated the necessity of energy conservation. Prizes were distributed to all the Quiz competition winners.



Sri H Kumar, our Managing Director complimented the team for various activities carried out during the fortnight, but advised to continue the Energy conservation activities throughout the year. Sri Shyam Prasad Kamath, GM (Process) proposed a Vote of Thanks. Ms. Bhavani V, Sr. Process Engineer compered the valedictory program.

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