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National Vendor Development Programme (NVDP) cum Industrial Exhibition was organised by MSME (Micro Small & Medium Enterprise) Development Institute, Mangalore at Karnataka Government Polytechnic, Mangalore on 22nd and 23rd, January 2016. MRPL participated in the Programme as an Exhibitor by setting up a stall. Shri JR Lobo, MLA - Mangalore South inaugurated our stall in the Exhibition. In the Valedictory function held on 23rd January 2016, MRPL stall was awarded the ‘Best Exhibitor’ among the PSUs. Shri AB Ibrahim, DC DK District presented the award to Team MRPL.


Shri Navendu, Dy Mgr- Materials presented ‘Requirement of Stores and Services in MRPL’ in the Seminar during the programme which was well received by the audience. Shri HP Pai, GGM Materials and Shri Koppalkar KS, GGM Maintenance & IS were present during the NVDP programme.

Here are some glimpses of the Exhibition.






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