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MRPL has reason to celebrate today. A major breakthrough has been achieved, history created!

Our SPM off Tannirbavi coast has been successfully commissioned.

Shri Koppalkar, GGM i/c Maint & IS, shared the good news - "Ratna Puja carrying 87610.817 MT of Arab Extra Light crude completed discharge of her cargo through our Single Point Mooring system. The unloading operation commenced at 1155 hrs on August 29th and completed at 1500 hrs on August 30th.

The newly operationalised SPM will reduce congestion at Jetty 10 / 11 of NMPT and support increase in crude thruput of the refinery. The SPM is designed to unload VLCCs carrying upto 250000 T of cargo. In the immediate future the SPM will be unloading Suez Max and Afra Max tankers."

Our Director (R) Shri Vijay Joshi congratulated the Team.

Shri Vishnu Agrawal, our Director (Finance) complimented Team MRPL for the untiring efforts and for the precision and coordination that went into making this great achievement. He pointed out that commissioning of the SPM will improve our bottom-line and urged that we should try to take full advantage of the facility.

Finally the Team has done it, says a beaming Shri Upadhya, our MD.

Says Shri Sudhir Vasudeva, our Chairman, "When ONGC brought MRPL under its wing we had a dream - to be THE energy anchor of this great Nation in every way, from drilling to dispensing. The ONGC Group is majestically moving ahead. The setbacks and delays in Phase III have been of concern. SPM going onstream is a victory of sorts. My compliments to the Team! But to get the full advantage of this achievement we need to commission all units of Phase III. I urge the Team ably led by Shri Upadhya to accomplish this asap, without any compromise on safety, quality, concern for environment and good corporate governance."

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