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In partnership with KMC Hospital Mangalore Refinery & Petrochemicals Ltd(MRPL) organised a free medical check-up camp this weekat Vijay VittalBhajanaMandir, Jokatte under its Corporate Social responsibility programme, MRPL Samrakshan.

KMC, Attavar provided the services of Doctors specialized in Cardiac, General Medicine, Eye, ENT and Orthopedics. The participants, who poured in from morning 9.30 am till 2 pm, including school children from thenearby Anjuman primary school, were checked for general health. GRBS (Sugar Tests)and ECGs were carried out free of Cost.

The Camp has helped detect some cardiac symptoms, orthopaedic problems, cataract and many cases of eye refraction and near sightedness. Current Panchayat President Shri B. Shekunhi, Former Panchayat President of JokatteShri B A Sheriff also attended the Camp.

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