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The inauguration of Samrakshan Kshamata Mahotsav as a part of the Oil & Gas Conservation Month (16th January – 15th February 2017) was held in Training Centre on 16.1.2017.


Shri Vinay Kumar, GGM (I/c-TS & BD) welcomed the gathering. The programme began with lighting of the lamp.

Oil Conservation Pledge was administered in Hindi, English and Kannada by Shri Devdas Shenoy K, GGM (I/c - Operations), Smt. Vanita Kumar, GGM – OMC Sales and Shri KS Koppalkar, GGM I/c Refinery respectively.

Shri Nandakumar, DGM – Tech Services highlighted the programmes scheduled for the month during Oil & Gas Conservation Campaign – Saksham 2017.

Shri Sanjay Verma, GGM - Materials, HSE & ISO read out the Petroleum Minister’s message. Shri Sushilchandra, GGM-Phase 3 read out the message from Secretary - MoPNG.

Shri M Venkatesh, Director Refinery spoke on the occasion and said that even though our per capita oil consumption is very low when compared to the rest of the world, we have signed COP 21, Conference of the Parties on Climate Change held at Paris last year. We need to reduce the energy consumption and should think of generating the alternate sources of energy, he said. As a part of creating the awareness during the OGCM we have planned a Cycle Rally and a programme in All India Radio, he added. We need to create awareness about environmental protection and reduce our energy consumption, he concluded.

Shri H Kumar, our Managing Director said that the Government has setup a deadline to reduce the country’s dependence on crude import by 10% before 2020. To do this, alternate energy sources are being explored like the increased use of Ethanol, Bio fuel etc. India consumes 1/3rd of the World’s per capita and 1/10th of the USA’s per capita oil consumption, he said. MRPL is planning to set up 2G Ethanol plant to produce Bio fuel, he continued. After few years from now we won’t be driving our own cars, we will be marking our location in app. instead and we will be picked or dropped accordingly, he felt. He concluded by advising to sow the seeds of Oil Conservation by educating our children for the better future.

Shri SP Kamath, GM – Process proposed the vote of thanks and Ms Noopur K Bhalla, Dy Mgr – TS compered the programme.







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