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Koti Vriksha Andolan by MRPL in Pejavara High School

19th June 2017

A programme of planting saplings as a part of Koti Vriksha Andolan, an initiative of Karnataka state government was held in Pejavara Church High School, Kalavar on 19th June 2017. MRPL conducted a programme with the support of Forest Department and KSPCB.


Shri K Shridhar, Range Forest Officer, Dr Lakshmi Kanth H, Dy. Environmental Officer, KSPCB, Shri Jayaprakash Nayak, Sr. Scientific Officer, KSPCB, Rev. Fr. Remegius Aranha, Correspondent of Pejavara School were the Guests during the Programme. Shri Sanjay Varma, GGM-HSE & Safety, Shri Harish Baliga, GM- CSR, Shri KG Prakash, DGM - ISO & SD, Shri Prashant Baliga, DGM – CC were present during the programme.

Shri K Shridhar spoke on the occasion and appealed students to develop love for nature and to take care of plants around them. Only the trees have the capacity to hold back water, water is precious for us to survive, so protect trees, he remarked.

Dr Lakshmi Kant said that a man consumes gallons of oxygen, which is available in the atmosphere only because of trees. Shri Jayaprakash Nayak gave the tips to the children how to keep our surroundings clean and protect our environment. Fr. Aranha thanked MRPL, its officials and the Forest department for arranging to plant trees in the school premises.

Dr Sampath Kumar, Supervisor- QC Lab imparted knowledge on ‘Seed balls’ to the children. Shri Satheesha M, Sr Mgr – Environment welcomed the gathering. Shri Lancy D’Souza, Teacher, Pejavara School compered the programme and proposed the Vote of Thanks.

After the stage programme around 200 saplings were planted in the school and church premises. The saplings planted were Badam, Mango, Jackfruit, Jamun and Mahogany. During the programme 200 seed balls were distributed to the school children.

This green initiative is in response to the request from Karnataka Forest department and Karnataka State Pollution Control Board to join hands to increase the green cover and to protect the environment in DK District.






3rd International Day of Yoga – Yoga Sessions in MRPL

21st June 2017

As a part of the 3rd International Day of Yoga, separate Yoga sessions were held in MRPL Employees Club today in the morning for Employees, CISF Personnel and the dependents of Employees.

Dr Ajitesh, Mr Hrishikesh and Ms Archana from the Department of Human Consciousness and Yogic Sciences, Mangalore University conduced the sessions for the participants.

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Inauguration of International Yoga day

20th June 2017

International day of Yoga is being celebrated all over the world on 21.06.2017. In this regard, MRPL is conducting a week long program and its inauguration was held at MRPL Employees Club on 20th June 2017.


Dr K Krishna Sharma, HOD, Department of Human Consciousness & Yogic Sciences, Mangalore University was the chief guest during the programme. Shri H Kumar, our Managing Director, Shri M Venkatesh, Director Refinery and Shri Rajeev Kushwah, CVO along with other senior management personnel, employees, CISF Personnel and DPS children were present during the programme.

Shri BHV Prasad welcomed the gathering.

Shri H Kumar, our Managing Director addressed the gathering and said that in these days stress starts from early childhood and the accumulated stress over a period of time leads to illness. We need to have control over the stress by practicing Yoga, he said.

Inaugurating the event, Dr K Krishna Sharma spoke on the ‘Importance of Yoga and Yoga Therapy in today’s lifestyle”. He said that Yoga is India’s contribution to the world and highlighted why Yoga is gaining prominence in recent times. He explained how the right kind of food and proper sleep is essential for a healthy life. An interactive session followed in which DPS children and employees asked various questions on Surya Namaskara, Snoring, Fasting, Why not other exercises, why only Yoga?, Whether it fights any disease? etc. The Professor answered each question with keen interest and the session ended on a high note.

Ms.Lekshmi Kumaran, GM – HR & SDC proposed the Vote of Thanks. She highlighted the Yoga events planned for the week.






World Environment Day Celebration

5th June 2017

The World Environment Day was celebrated in MRPL on 5th June 2017. Shri Sanjay Varma, GGM HSE & ISO welcomed the gathering. The Environment Pledge was administered in Kannada, Hindi and English by Shri M Venkatesh, Director Refinery, Shri Rajeev Kushwah, CVO and Shri H Kumar, Managing Director respectively.


Shri Rajeev Kushwah, Chief Vigilance Officer spoke on the occasion and said that MRPL practices what it preaches in terms of planting the trees and taking care of them. The nature has reacted to its excessive exploitation in terms of cyclone, earthquake etc and shown that it is the boss, he said. Respect, conserve and preserve the nature, he advised.

Shri M Venkatesh, Director Refinery said that MRPL is utilising the sewage water from the city for its Refinery operations. If the City Corporation supplies more water, MRPL will be able to reduce the fresh water consumption to that extent, he said. He appealed everyone to focus on our targets and said that the organisation and the citizens will not be let down.

Ms.Noopur K Bhalla introduced Dr LC Soans, the Guest of Honour and Dr BR Manjunatha, Professor and Chairman, Dept of Marine Geology, Mangalore University, the Chief Guest of the programme.

Dr LC Soans spoke on the occasion and said that the efforts of today for the conservation of nature are just enough for our survival but we need to do more. He cited the examples of areas near Kudremukh where the light is being used to generate energy. Sun’s energy needs to be used for agriculture and to improve the lives of people, he said.

Dr BR Manjunatha said that the World Environment Day was first introduced in the conference in UN General assembly in 1972 and since then the need of the conservation of nature is being discussed everywhere. Tourist spots in different parts of our country and worldwide are the gifts of nature, he said. He elaborated on the evolution of earth and the human beings and explained the reasons for unequal distribution of rain. ‘Think globally and act locally’ was his advice. He appreciated the afforestation efforts of MRPL.

Shri Jayaprakash Nayak, Sr. Scientific Officer, KSPCB spoke on the occasion and said that we cannot cherish with our right hand and chop off our left hand and advised for balanced approach. Be eco-friendly, prevent degradation of land and water,he advised.

Shri H Kumar, Managing director invited some questions from the students to get the answers from the distinguished guests. The children raised some interesting questions like whether any pollutants are present in bio mass energy production and about the brown cloud etc. The guests on stage answered them graciously.

Shri H Kumar, our Managing Director while addressing the gathering, said that the cities contribute to almost 90% of the total pollution and we expect the villages to conserve the nature. Our country has the tradition of respecting nature, be it sun, tree, plant or animal and we need to continue that tradition, he said. Be prepared for the day when sun energy replaces many other forms of energy, he said. MRPL is planning to set up 2nd generation Ethanol plant and a day may come when such fuels will replace other oil products, he continued. He said that in future, some companies may come up to produce petrol and diesel from the biodegradable waste.

During the programme the guests were honoured and the prizes were distributed to the students of different schools, dependents of employees and the employees. The best three short films made on the environment day theme ‘Connecting People to Nature’ were played on screen during the programme.

Shri UV Aithal, GM- HSE proposed the Vote of Thanks and Shri Rudolph VJ Noronha, Chief Manager – OM&S compered the programme.

A day earlier, on 4th June 2017, as part of environment day celebration, MRPL took up the novel plan of ‘Seed ball making’ at Ganeshpura, Kaikamba. Seed ball is an innovative way to grow plants. It basically consists of a mixture of red soil (mud) and cow dung mixed with other bio compost. The semi-solid mix is prepared by adding a little water proportionate to the quantity of mixture after which a particular plant seed inserted in it. These balls are allowed to dry in sunlight and stored to be used later. These seed balls are thrown near hills, plains, lakes, ponds so that they sprout and become plants and trees helping afforestation. It is understood that the success rate of survival of the plants in quite high compared to a sapling planted.

Volunteers from MRPL joined to prepare more than a thousand seed balls which are now ready to sprout and green our environment.











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