Safety Management Systems
The fire prevention and protection systems at MRPL have been developed keeping in view the hazardous nature of the Refining Industry and conform to OISD standards.
Systems and Procedures in Place
- Area Safety Committee: On the departmental level, Area Safety Committees (ASC) headed by the respective GM / DGM and comprising of Supervisory and non-Supervisory staff have been set up to meet once every month to evaluate, control and investigate factors that have accident potential and provide solutions.
- Central Safety Committee: An Apex body known as the Central Safety Committee is established with the purpose of reviewing and monitoring the Refinery Safety Management System. The CSC meets once every month under the Chairmanship of ED(Refinery). The Committee includes all ASC Chairmen, H.O.D’s, Chief Medical Officer, Welfare Officer and Purchase Department representative.
- Work Permit System: MRPL has devised a Work Permit System based on OISD guidelines to ensure
jobs are performed in a safe manner with the active cooperation of the Operating and maintenance groups. Fire &
Safety verifies compliance of written advice and erring parties are suitably advised for corrective action.
Various Work permits prevalent at MRPL are:
- Cold Work Permit
- Hot work / Vehicle entry Permit
- Confined Space Entry / Vessel Entry / Box-up Permit
- Excavation Permit
- Electrical Work Permit
- Radiation Safety Permit
- Working on Fragile Roof/Height
- Audits: Various audits have been conducted by renowned external agencies like OISD, National Safety Council, etc. The high level of safety awareness achieved at MRPL has been lauded by all such internationally acclaimed Audit agencies.
- Publications: Safety Newsletter is published every month providing safety information. Safety Bulletins on various subjects, Fire & Safety Manual, Emergency Response and Disaster Management Plan (ERDMP), Onsite Emergency Response Management Plan, Job Safety Procedures, Material Data Sheet (MSDS), Safety in Transportation of Hazardous goods, etc., are published and displayed on MRPL' s intranet for the benefit of all employees.
Training for Employees
Training in Safety & Firefighting is an ongoing full-day program conducted every week involving Plant employees. The curriculum includes theoretical classroom lectures at our dedicated Training Centre followed by simulated live firefighting training at the Fire Training ground having various models designed as per OISD. It is mandatory for every employee joining our company to undergo a one-day induction training program on Industrial Safety and subsequently a Refresher Safety program once a year.
Training for Contract Employees
Each and every Contract workman is covered under the safety program. Refinery Entry gate passes to contract workmen are issued only after they undergo MRPL' s Industrial Safety Training. In addition, they also undergo firefighting training.
Safety Facilities at MRPL
Fire Alarm Detectors and Manual Call Points:
Automatic detectors have been installed in various unmanned and critical areas of the refinery. These detectors are designed to convey an alarm upon detection to the Fire Control Room panel.
In addition, Break Glass type Manual Call Points are located around the process plants for quick communication in the event of a fire outbreak through manual operation. The actuation of the alarm provides audiovisual indications on the Control Room panel.
Hydrocarbon Detectors:
Critical areas of the Refinery have been installed with toxic and hydrocarbon Gas detectors with local alarms, with the added facility to simultaneously notify Control rooms through the DCS system for early detection of hydrocarbon leaks. In addition to this, we have portable intrinsically safe gas detectors carried by personnel during rounds in Units to detect gas leaks.
Fire Protection:
Fire Protection measures have been devised to cater to the various hazards associated with different Units and its related processes. The fire protection system has been divided into fixed installations, Mobile appliances and Portable first aid firefighting equipment.
- Portable First Aid Fire Fighting Equipment: Fire extinguishers of dry chemical powder type and carbon dioxide type of various capacities have been installed at various locations for fighting fires at its incipient stage.
- Fixed Installations: Critical Process Units have been provided with medium velocity water spray systems and deluge systems for Horton spheres and hot pumps. These systems are augmented by fire water monitors and hydrants all around the Refinery. Floating and fixed roof hydrocarbon storage tanks have been provided with cooling system in addition to fixed foam system. Central hose stations, hose boxes and hose reels have been located as support systems
- Mobile Appliances: Fire tenders including Foam Tenders, Water tenders, Foam Nurser, Dry Chemical Powder, and Emergency Rescue Tenders make up the mobile appliances.

Communication Systems
The modern communication system includes telephones, Neumann paging systems, intrinsically safe wireless radios, pagers, and a public address system. A long-range siren has been installed to alert all concerned during the declaration of any emergency. A fully equipped Emergency Control Centre (ECC) is in place.
We at MRPL are dedicated to the cause of Safety and endeavor to adhere to the highest standards in our Health, Safety, and Environment management system to prevent and minimize loss due to fires and other accidents, as well as for the protection of the environment.
Fire & Emergency Handling Procedures
- Fire Orders: Duties and responsibilities during emergencies for various Departments/Sections have been established in detail and documented in the Fire Order.
- Fire Call Rota: Designated groups consisting of members from various disciplines are detailed on rotation to facilitate the mobilization of additional manpower during emergencies.
- Mutual Aid Scheme: Mutual Aid schemes have been established with nearby large industries to share resources and manpower during large-scale emergencies. Periodic onsite/offsite mock exercises enable mutual aid members to acclimatize to potential hazards and fire protection measures in either facility.
- Disaster Management Plan: MRPL has a well-developed Disaster Management Plan. Mock exercises are conducted to test the response and efficacy of emergency and allied services, including mutual aid members. Observers are appointed, and observations and suggestions are implemented to improve the system. Additionally, Off-Site Disaster Management Plans are developed in close association with district authorities, and mock off-site emergency exercises are conducted.
Community (Public) Awareness Programs
Periodic public awareness programs are conducted for nearby communities and schools, including our colony residents. The best-equipped live fire-fighting ground is used to train all staff.