
 Environment Related Data 



Some of the key activities of the Environment Management Cell at MRPL are as follows,


Environmental Monitoring at MRPL:




Pollution Prevention & Reduction measures

In our bid towards improvement of the environmental performance,some of the pollution control measures employed are as follows:

    • Utilization of low sulphur fuel oil & Maximization of Refinery Ultra Low Sulphur Off-Gas as fuel.
    • Low NOx burners provided in process heaters
    • Installed advanced Cyclone system in PFCCU
    • Maximum utilization of fin fan coolers, followed by trim coolers for all products and column overheads
    • Pioneered the use of Hydrogen peroxide for the removal of Sulphides and Phenols which was later adopted by other Refineries in India
    • An advanced Waste Water Treatment Plant having Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR), Membrane Bio Reactor (MBR), Ultra Filtration (UF) and Reverse Osmosis (RO), maximized treated effluent recycle in the Refinery..
    • Maximum utilization of Tertiary Treated domestic sewage from Mangalore city.
    • Acoustic Hoods, Silencers & Mufflers are provided in various noise-generating equipment drastically reducing noise levels.
    • PFCC spent catalyst is being sent to cement industry for Co-processing.
    • Oily sludge generated in the ETPs is processed in the Delayed Coker Unit (DCU).
    • Installed closed blow down diverters in DCU to mitigate dust and odour generation, if any.
    • Installed Fog generation system, dry fog system, closed conveyors, Water sprinklers, wind breaking wall and floor sweeping machine to prevent the generation and carryover of dust generation during handling of the Petcoke
    • Continuous monitoring is being done for the following environmental parameters,

✓  Ambient Air quality at 10 locations in and around the refinery.

✓  2 Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Systems

✓  SOx, NOx, CO and PM in Stack gas (Manual and Online)

✓  Treated Effluent quality

✓  Ground and Surface Water quality in and around the refinery

✓  VOC/ fugitive Emissions survey

✓  Noise Level inside the process units and along the refinery boundary wall

✓  Work Environment Monitoring including Industrial Hygiene studies.





Community Awareness Program





World Environment Day 2022 Celebrations



Pollution mitigation measures






Effluent Treatment Plant






Greenbelt and Landscaping:

      • No one can resist nature. Greenery sooths any amount of fried & tense nerves & brings the peace of mind- the utmost necessity of human life.
      • MRPL has created a surroundings full of natural settings- the wild flowing streams, the tall green trees, the smooth carpet of green grass & myriad variety of flowers, blooming in different colours & size presenting a riot of colours, the nature is full of such beautiful things.
      • MRPL premises is having total 54 tree species of plants.
      • MRPL has developed gardens in the office premises as well as in the township
      • More than 30 acres of garden is well developed in the township as well as office premises consisting of lush green lawns, different types of hedges, different flowering & non flowering shrubs, ground covers, Rockery & water cascades. This beautiful garden of MRPL received first prize in the large scale garden competition of the flower exhibition- 2001 conducted by Govt. Horticulture dept. & Siri horticulture society- Mangalore
      • Under Bamboo plantation mission nearly 500 bamboo plants are planted both in refinery and township for carbon sequestration and improve the aesthetics.




Bio Diversity park development at Mercy area

MRPL is blessed with the presence of lush foliage in and around the refinery which fosters a variety of flora and fauna species and is in the process of establishing a Multi-ecosystem Biodiversity Park. The proposed park is envisaged in the 41 Acre Marshy Area forming the southernmost part of MRPL’s greenbelt

The proposed development will be achieved through an ex-situ conservation process wherein plants from different localities of Western Ghats and Coastal Karnataka will be collected and introduced in the park. The increased density and species of plants will in-turn attract different forms of animals, birds and other species, thus augmenting the Bio-Diversity of the region. Since the living organisms have a gestation period to the new habitat, it is estimated that a time period of about 5 years will be needed for the proposed land to develop into a full-fledged Bio Diversity Park.



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